My Why…

As I reflect on why I desire to be selected to participate in the Utopia Arts Mentorship Program I find myself considering my next steps in my career as an emerging opera singer. The world is unsettled and shaken by the coronavirus. In turn, the ripple effects of the virus illuminated the systemic racism that has led to socio-economic inequality that has black and brown people gasping for relief and salvation under the weight of oppression that sits heavily on their necks. In light of all this I can’t help but wonder if opera is really what I the world needs right now. Do I not feel the white-hot burn of anger when another black man is denied his humanity? Do I not feel immense fear when I consider the safety of my brother, father, uncles, and cousins moving in this world that still does not believe their lives matter? Absolutely I do and yet I still wonder if my voice matters among the deafening cries for justice. What value do I bring? How am I contributing to the betterment of the world around me? 


It calls me to reflect on the true purpose of art. In Latin, opera translates to mean “activity, effort, attention, work”. Each opera requires intensive work and attention to bring it to life. The act of singing is the physical exertion that requires its own form of discipline and work on the part of the singer. Despite all that, I believe the real work begins when the music inspires connection with another human being. I feel like a valuable contributor to the world when the discipline of my work affords me the freedom to connect and communicate with another human soul. Music connects us and reminds us that we are not alone in our journey. The work I pour into developing my skill frees me to be vulnerable with another person. Through singing, I share that I matter and that their voice and emotional state of mind matters too. Music bridges a gap in our differences and encourages a deeper connection. After busking as an opera singer in the New York City subway systems with The Opera Collective for 6 years I am blessed with countless memories of connecting heart to heart with perfect strangers. I will never know all their names, but I know that the moments shared expanded our capacity to see each other not for our differences but for our similarities. 


The world is hungry for art. Artistic self-expression from Artists is an invitation for others to express themselves too. Art reminds us that you have value. Art reminds us that we are connected as a human family. I desire conversations that closes the gap of divisionism. Businessman Jim Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” In order to expand myself I must be different in order to have a different experience of myself. Mentorship is something that I believe will expand my horizons of what’s possible for my impact as an Artist. I know I have value to bring to the world. My platform is opera and I intend to build that platform in order to expand the horizons of what black people are capable of, free of bias whilst embracing diversity. 


